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The air holidays and flights shown are ATOL protected by the Civil Aviation Authority. We hold our own ATOL licence and if our number is shown with the ATOL logo, then some of the holidays shown will be covered by our own ATOL license.
We also act as agents for licensed tour operators, in this case, the relevant ATOL number will be provided for each holiday booked.
The customer will receive an ATOL certificate for their ATOL protected holiday in due course.
ATOL Protection extends primarily to customers who book and pay in the United Kingdom. Click on the ATOL logo if you want to know more.
As Travel and Booking Agents we act only as Agents for the Principals actually providing the relevant services and we shall not be liable for any act or default on the part of any such Principle or its Agents or Servants. Passengers are booked and/or tickets and coupons are issued or obtained by us subject to the conditions regulations and terms of the Carriers and/or Principals concerned.


Many of the flights and flight inclusive holidays on this website are protected by the ATOL scheme but ATOL protection does not apply to all holiday and travel services listed on this website. Please ask us to confirm which protection may apply to your booking. If you do not receive an ATOL certificate then your booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL certificate but all the parts of your trip are not listed on it, those parts will not be ATOL protected. Please see our booking conditions for information or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL certificate, please go to

We do not make any charges for deposits or final balances when paid by Debit or Credit Cards. Payments made by cheque require 7 working days for clearance.

It is a booking condition of all tour operators & suppliers that you have adequate travel insurance. WE DO NOT OFFER TRAVEL INSURANCE. Passengers must take out travel insurance from the date of booking and it is the customers' responsibility to obtain their own insurance policy. By accepting our terms  conditions, the customer understands that if they choose to travel without insurance, neither we nor any of our Agents or Servants shall be liable or responsible for      any loss, damage, injury. delay or inconvenience whatsoever to any traveller or their luggage or other personal property sustained or suffered in, or during, any passage, journey, trip or stay, or in respect of any accommodation or in the carrying out of any arrangements booked through us. Please review your policy carefully and ensure you have Disrupted Travel Cover. By accepting our terms & conditions, customers agree to indemnify us.

Force Majeure - If travel arrangements are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, customers should claim through their travel insurance.

We reserve the right to adjust prices and times given or quoted should circumstances make necessary. Prior notice will be given in most circumstances. We can only guarantee against fare increases when the full balances are paid in full at time of booking.

Our receipt of a deposit and the lodging of a booking form does not constitute confirmation of the booking. Confirmation or otherwise is given separately in a form of an ATOL receipt for flight inclusive bookings.

Passengers should assume that all bookings made are sold on a totally non-refundable basis unless otherwise advised by us. All cancellations by a client must be in writing. If a client cancels a booking the deposit will be retained by us as fee to cover expenses, but clients are liable for all expenses and liabilities incurred by us if these exceed the deposit.

In the event of a claim, our maximum liability is restricted to the total amount paid to us by the claimant less any expenses incurred.

All final balances must be paid at least 12 weeks before departure or the date given at time of booking in writing or orally. If they are not paid we reserve the right, which may be exercised without any notice to the passenger whatsoever, to cancel the reservation and retain any balances.

Passengers must be in possession of a valid passport and necessary visas and health certificates. In case of passengers being refused entry by any immigration or other authority, all repatriation costs are to be borne by the passenger.

Where a passenger has to reconfirm a flight or return booking it is their responsibility for any inconvenience or loss caused by not doing this.

Return tickets are only valid for dates specified on the tickets unless a change is made by the company, or at the passengers request and make an additional charge at our discretion.

Information given in the Booking form is accepted by the Company as being correct unless subsequently amended in writing. We therefore do not accept any responsibility whatsoever, for any inconvenience or financial loss caused by wrong information being supplied to the company.

In order to process your booking and to ensure that your travel arrangements run smoothly and meet your requirements we need to use the information you provide such as name, address, any special needs/dietary requirements etc.
We take full responsibility for ensuring that proper security measures are in place to protect your information. We must pass the information on to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements such as your tour operator, airlines, hotels, transport companies etc. The information may also be provided to security or credit checking companies, public authorities such as customs/immigration if required by them, or as required by law.
Additionally, where your holiday is outside the European Economic Area (EEA), controls on data protection in your destination may not be as strong as the legal requirements in this country. We will not however, pass any information onto any person not responsible for part of your travel arrangements. This applies to any sensitive information that you give to us such as details of any disabilities, or dietary/religious requirements. (If we cannot pass this information to the relevant suppliers, whether in the EEA or not, we cannot provide your booking. In making this booking, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant persons.)
Usually your tour operator or other principal will pass this information onto their suppliers once we have provided it to them. The tour operator or other principal’s use of your information is subject to their policy, both in respect of your booking and any future marketing, and is their responsibility. Please ask either us or them for a copy of this if you would like to see it.
You are entitled to a copy of your information held by us. If you would like to see this please contact us. [We may make a small charge for providing this to you].

All requests by passengers to alter booking or travel arrangements must be writing or made in person. Should a firm booking already be held a charge of minimum of £50 will be made to change the dates of travel subject to conditions of booking/ticket and availability.

All agreements between the traveller and us shall be governed by English Law and within the exclusive jurisdiction of English Courts.

Our responsibility is to provide tickets for collection at our office. Tickets posted to clients are done so at the client’s risk. Any costs arising from non-delivery will be borne by the client. For late bookings collection of tickets at the airport will be arranged charges will apply.
LINKS on our website
We have provided links to suppliers of car hire, parking, hotels, currency, tickets, and insurance and these are not-ABTA members
“Please note that: ABTA protection does not apply to any non member sites.”
For information on ABTA’s protection and consumer services, including Arbitration, visit the Association of British Travel Agents website at
For advice on travelling abroad, go to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website.
For information on health requirements, go to the Department of Health’s website.

1. On receipt of your booking form and deposit we will confirm your booking within seven days.
2. You must then pay the balance of monies due (without further reminder) twelve weeks before departure.
3. Holiday price includes flight transfers accommodation and excursions as specified on the booking form.

Every effort will be made to provide precisely the accommodation booked and to convey special needs to the hoteliers). However the company accepts no liability for failure to provide a special request for which no payment is made and no correspondence will be entered into concerning the hoteliers failure to satisfy such requests. Where payment is made for additional facilities the company liability shall be limited to the price of that supplement unless it is stated on the booking form that the booking is contingent on the provision of that facility. Bookings for rooms with bath or shower shall be deemed to be fulfilled by the provision of either facility and requests of one or the other will be treated as request only. When booking a double room requests for a double or twin bed must be made clearly, otherwise it will be assumed that either is acceptable.

Sporting Events Global Ltd is responsible for all elements of the holiday package and shall make every effort to ensure that all services are of the quality described on the leaflet and tours are operated in accordance with the details contained therein, but reserves the right to modify arrangements in the circumstances arising providing that;
1. We shall make every effort to inform clients of any changes in hotel or itinerary. We shall be deemed to satisfy this clause if we notify the client of any changes before the payment of the balance becomes due or if we become aware after that time by sending a notice first class post within 24 hours of discovering the information.
2.Where a change in hotel or itinerary is necessary and the change does not result in deterioration in the services provided we reserve the right to make this change without compensation, or if it is impossible to provide an arrangement of equal quality we shall make that clear and make a cash adjustment to the cost of the holiday.


With charter flights, operations are subject to obtaining slots and aircraft parking from departure and arrival airports. In the extreme event that slots are not obtained by the airline, we will refund you all monies paid but will not be responsible for any consequential costs incurred.

We reserve the right to cancel your travel arrangements. In this event, we shall refund monies paid. Again, we will not be held responsible for any consequential loss.

We reserve the right to cancel departures if numbers are insufficient to operate the tour in this event we shall refund monies paid.

The following scale of cancellation charges shall apply by the passenger;
56 days or more
Loss of deposit*
55-30 days 75%
30-0 days 100%
Amendment fees will be £50 for a name change or as advised by the airline.

EU-261 only applies to any passenger departing from or travelling to an EU member state, on an airline based in an EU member state.

Please note that for certain travel arrangements e.g. many scheduled transport providers, the cancellation charge may be higher than those shown. In certain cases a 100% cancellation fee applies as soon as the booking is made and the ticket is issued. Please ask for full details of cancellation charges at time of booking. Please check your insurance policy to see if you are covered for the cancellation charge.

Cancellation charges may vary subject to airlines or other suppliers' conditions
eg. Low Cost carriers such as Easyjet and Ryanair policy is no refund although changes are allowed subject to charge

There will be a baggage allowance of 20kgs per person or as advised by the airline. An excess charge may be payable if it is over this allowance.

Should a passenger arrive late at any halt en route in accordance with an itinerary notified to the client either verbally or in writing. Sporting Events Global will not accept responsibility to delay departure and a passenger who misses a flight /vehicle shall have no claim against the company.

Please note that whilst excursions are pre-booked according to the clients instructions , a minimum number may be required to make the excursions viable and it cannot be guaranteed therefore you will be advised locally should an excursion not operate for any reason, in which case a full refund of the cost of the excursion will be made.

We shall make every effort to describe hotels as fairly and accurately as possible. Nevertheless hoteliers can withdraw or change facilities/services after publication of our leaflet. We expect hoteliers to tell us of any significant changes without delay and, where possible, we will inform you prior to departure.

The signing of the booking form shall imply the acceptance of these terms by the signatory and all other passengers listed on the booking form and by signing the signatory is confirming that he has the full authority of those persons to sign on their behalf.

1. Sporting Events Global will permit transfer of the booking to other tours or other dates more than 42 days prior to departure without forfeiture of deposit providing the client pays an administration fee of 50.00 per person.
2. Sporting Events Global Ltd will permit assignment of the holiday to another client or clients subject to the following charges:

(a) more than 42 days prior to departure: 50.00 per person
(b) less than 42 days prior to departure: 100.00 per person

(c) Please be aware that airlines may impose charges in addition to the above. We would advise you of these at the time of any request to change.

Sporting Events Global Ltd is a bonded tour operator and meets with the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority. Our ATOL number is 5772

It is a condition of the contract between us that you raise any complaint with the relevant person as and when they arise. The relevant person is the hotelier for the complaints about hotel services and the tour representative about travel arrangements. (The tour representative will also attempt to assist in the event of any failure by the hotelier to resolve a complaint about the hotel). We cannot deal with complaints which have not been raised in this way. In the event that is found impossible to rectify a problem arising the holiday, we can normally agree an amicable settlement between us after you have returned from holiday, providing you write to us within 28 days of the completion of the holiday. If someone in authority such as the pilot or captain believes you are not fit to travel he or she may refuse to allow you on the aircraft. This will normally happen if they think you are likely to disturb or harm other passengers, in this case you contract us will cease immediately and we will no longer be responsible for you. Additionally if your behaviour is such that the hotelier feels unable to accommodate you, you may be asked to leave hotel in the instance no refund for lost nights accommodation will be made and the cost of any other accommodation or travel expenses will be borne by yourself.
We can only accept the responsibility for any injury, illness or death, if caused by our own negligence. Any claims for damages for injury, illness, and death arising out of your stay in the accommodation must be brought against the proprietor of the accommodation concerned and not against Sporting Events Global Ltd. It will be subject to the law of the country in which the accommodation is situated. Neither we, nor the accommodation provider can accept responsibility for any damage, loss, delay, or inconvenience cause by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. Such circumstances include but are not limited to War, threat of war, riots, civil strife, or terrorist activity, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, airport closures, bad weather conditions, interruption or failure of a utility service or the acts of any local or national government.

GDPR compliance


GDPR COMPLIANCE - General Data Protection Regulation


Sporting Events Global Ltd, trading as Worldchoice Sports and Independent Worldchoice Holidays.

Please see downloadable PDF for full Privacy policy. (Bottom of page)



Personal data may be collected by any member of staff for the purposes of marketing, issuing quotes and processing bookings. This data may include, but not limited to the following:


Dates of birth

Contact details (Addresses, phone numbers, emails etc)

Passport details

The above may be termed as necessary contractual data in that some or all of the above details will be required when making a booking or issuing quotes or documents.



When you subscribe to our website we will collect email addresses and mobile numbers for direct marketing, this includes text messages sent to your mobile phone. As a company policy, we do not pass ANY of these details on to third parties. Data is stored both on spreadsheets on our own server and external suppliers (such as Mailchimp and Iflow for emails and text messages.) Any data for marketing purposes remains for in house marketing under Sporting Events Global Ltd.

Customers are able to unsubscribe from emails by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. They are also able to unsubscribe from email and text messages by emailing

These services are supplied free of charge to the customer who is never charged either directly or indirectly for marketing.



Checking in for flights. We request that all customers submit passport details in sufficient time for checking in.  For our own charter flights, these details are stored on a spreadsheet  before submission to the airline.  These spreadsheets are also stored permanently on our server.

Certain flight operators such as Ryanair, Easyjet etc may store your details for future use, allowing for a faster check-in.

If there are passengers under the age of 18, please ensure that you have the consent of parents or legal guardian.


Payments taken by credit / debit card.

Payments taken over the phone or in the shop are processed securely by Barclays merchant services. Payments taken for online bookings are either made through our Barclays Merchant services or are made securely through a third party. Depending on the method selected, this will be either Stripe or Paypal. These are multinational financial agencies who use the latest technologies to combat fraud and trusted by millions worldwide.



Phone conversations & emails. ALL conversations by telephone are recorded training and monitoring purposes.


ESTAs/ Visas etc

When issuing visas or visa waivers, it is often necessary to collect more data than mentioned in part 1 of this document. This may include – but not be limited to the following:

Names of parents

Current or past employment

Next of kin

Contact details when in destination

Declarations regarding mental or physical health

Declarations regarding past history, Criminal records, expulsions etc.



Storage of paper files.

All bookings will generate at least one page of data. This will include  the names of the passengers on the booking, the address, the price of the product and the reference number of the booking. They are retained for future reference by staff and—upon request— external bodies such as the CAA, the police and in cases where a court order has been issued.In order to comply with our obligations under the ATOL licence scheme, we must be able to demonstrate each type of booking we make. The following data is required:

 - Name of lead passenger

 - Booking reference

 - Cost of booking

 - Type of booking

 - Where necessary, a valid ATOL certificate has been issued.

8. Websites, social media and cookies is set to automatically direct to—mention of one may be taken to include the other. For purposes in this document we will refer to “the website”  or

For customers’ protection  our site uses  Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology—this is evident when checking for the https:// prefix. This applies to and

The website has tracking pixels with Facebook and Google and allows us to analyse data of those viewing our site. This is used primarily for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) purposes and for marketing analysis.

We advertise our products over Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Occasionally with facebook we will pay for a campaign with a selectable customer base which may be based around location/ interests/ age etc. Customers are advised to check their own social media settings.


9. Status of the lead passenger

It has long been the company’s policy to deal only with the lead passenger when confirming or amending a booking. We may need to run a security check to satisfy ourselves that we are in fact dealing with the correct person. This prevents other named persons on the booking from making amendments to which  the others may not agree and also prevents those not connected to the booking from obtaining data as per the Data  Protection Act.

There may be instances where we are unable to contact the lead passenger (such as cases where a booking is made as a present and the lead passenger is unaware in which case separate bookers details would be required. It would then be incumbent on the booker to provide us with required details..

In situations where the lead passenger has died., we require proof of death from the next of kin and will make amendments accordingly in the name of the new lead. Charges may be applicable.

In all cases for amendments, we will need instructions in writing which may be emailed to us for speed and ease.

10. In the eventuality of a breach of information

Should the details of a customer inadvertently be shared with anybody else without their prior consent to permit identification in such a manner that their freedoms should be compromised, we will address the issue as soon as it is raised and inform the Information Commissioners Office within 72 hours to notify them of the breach.

(more information on the ICO website).


You may download a copy of our full privacy policy by clicking this link




The Brexit process continues to evolve and speculation about the outcome is sure to play out in the media for some time to come.


It is expected that as the UK Government and the EU continue to go through this period of negotiation, travel laws and regulation will be largely unchanged until we formally leave in 2020. If we leave without a deal, EU treaties will end on 29th March 2019. And, if that happens, this is what you need to know..

No deal: the EU essentials
If you’re travelling in the EU after Brexit, government advice is that you will need at least six months’ validity on your passport (please check this by clicking here).

The European Commission last week confirmed Britons would have to pay £6 for an ESTA-style travel permit under ETIAS, the European Travel Information and Authorisation Scheme. Deal or no deal, this regulation won’t apply until 2021.

Motorists will probably have to present an International Driving Permit (IDP) when renting a car. Applying for one promises to be a tedious process involving a form, a passport photo, £5.50 and a Post Office. “It’s possible UK drivers may have to carry two separate IDPs, as different member states have ratified different international road-traffic conventions,” says the AA’s Ian Crowder. Because you’ll no longer benefit from the EU’s automatic third-party motor insurance cover, you’ll also need a Green Card. Insurance firms currently issue these free of charge, but the AA says the administrative burden could lead to fees.

As for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) it is understood that in the event of a no-deal Brexit, UK-registered cards will no longer be valid. So travellers will need adequate travel insurance.

A no-deal scenario will also change the rules for travelling with pets. The existing pet passport will no longer be valid, and the RSPCA advises allowing at least four months to acquire new documentation.

Roaming costs for phones won’t rise — not yet, anyway. EE, O2, Three and Vodafone have all said they have “no plans” to reintroduce charges after Brexit.

If flights are cancelled, airlines will refund fares. But while the government has guaranteed that EU regulations relating to delays and cancellations will pass into UK law, customers should not expect compensation for issues arising from Brexit. Thomas Cook, TUI and Jet2 have changed their T&Cs to avoid pay-outs due to “the inability of [airlines] to operate flights as a result of the UK’s decision to leave the EU” (Thomas Cook); and to “any failure to secure relevant flying rights” (TUI).

If you book flight-only and for any reason your flight is cancelled as a result of Brexit, you are entitled to a full refund – though flight delay compensation under EU261 will not apply.

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